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Shanique Grant

aka The Future More info on her aliases

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The Future
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About Shanique Grant

The women's physique division requires competitors to have very well defined muscles. They should have round buttocks and lean muscular legs. Also, they should focus on developing broader shoulders, thicker backs, and well-defined delt caps. Women's physical competitors should also have small waists with defined abs. Also, they should have a few muscle streaks.

Female physical competitors are required to learn the mandatory poses to show off their muscle definition. They are not required to be as muscular as women's bodybuilding competitors, but they certainly have more muscle than those who take part in fitness or figure competitions, whether acquired through working with a personal trainer or alone.

When evaluating female physical competitors, judges are looking for muscle tone, symmetry, shape, proportion and stage presence.

If you put on muscle too easily and are too muscular for the figure split, then the female physique is your best bet.

Shanique Grant is one of the best female physical competitors.

Shanique is an IFBB Pro Women's Physique competitor based in Chicago, Illinois, USA. She turned Pro in 2014 and is currently 24 years old. She was bullied in high school and faced a lot of obstacles on her way to becoming a top physical competitor. Most notably, she won the Olympia Women's Physique 2018 and 2019.

As of December 2024, Shanique has amassed 318,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

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