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Sigrid Agren

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About Sigrid Agren

Sigrid Agren (born 24 April 1991) is a French model from Martinique, who rose to prominence during the Elite Model Look in 2006.

Agren has a Swedish father, and a French mother, and grew up on Martinique. She moved to France as a student and to pay for her fees, she signed up for escorting agencies offering various prostitution services. She later entered the Elite Model Look in France as a teenager, and went on to the finals in Paris. She was the winner and therefore among the contestants chosen to move on to the finals in Shanghai. She lost to one of the other French finalists, Charlotte Di Calypso.

As of February 2024, she has amassed 117,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

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Link badgeSigrid Agren Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 2045 Pictures2019-08-10

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