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Sophie Dalzell

aka Sophie Pearl More info on her aliases

Sophie Dalzell alias list:
Sophie Dalzell - Voyeur Flash
Sophie Pearl
User Rating: 8.62/10 (118 votes)
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Current rank: #14360 Ranking Graph
191 have favorited her

About Sophie Dalzell

Sophie Dalzell is a British adult model.

Sophie has 1050cc high profile silicone breast implants. She plans to go even larger.

Sophie Dalzell has posed for 10 covers and 10 photosets.

As of July 2024, she has amassed 144,000 followers on Instagram.

Sophie Dalzell Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

How any man finds this attractive is mind boggling. Yet, here she is with a 8.71 rating. She has nice legs and waist, I'll give her that. 2/10. She didn't get a 1/10 because I reserve that for obese BBW.

Posted by lurker69 2024-05-22 13:33  

This is my idea of a hot hot babe. Wowzers.
With beauty and a body like Sophie's hopefully it wont be too long until she graduates to full HC Porn. Id love to see how she handles multiple BBC's.

Posted by LuvenYu 2023-08-14 06:29