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Steefy Anggraeni

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About Steefy Anggraeni

The humble Steefy Anggraeni is an Indonesian born model who has achieved a lot in a short span of time. The 26 year old beauty had many ambitions for herself which would not have been possible to achieve had she not moved from her native Indonesia to USA. The move opened many opportunities for her, particularly entering a beauty pageant. She was selected to model for a swimsuit brand via the Miss US Bikini pageant which encourages and empowers women to remain fit and have a healthy lifestyle. Steefy ended up winning the title of Miss Bikini Colorado 2018 and she was ecstatic since it was the first pageant she entered. To summarise her life so far, she says, "I am from a small town in Indonesia. Moving to the USA opened up so many different possibilities for me that I wouldn’t have in my native Indonesia. My platform is encouraging women to be confident, embrace their beauty and all body shapes, as well as encouraging them to live an active and healthy life style."
(Photos: Instagram)

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Can we talk

Posted by Gladiators13 2022-07-21 09:23  

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