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Tatiana Eriksen

aka Tatiana / Tati More info on her aliases

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About Tatiana Eriksen

Posed nude through the second half of her senior year in high school after she turned 18 in January. This made her the most popular girl in school and she was pregnant by August and had her daughter in April of 2006 while attending college with her sights set on a teaching degree. Got her teaching credential in 2011 and got married shortly before getting her first job working with handicapped children. Tati is now a hardworking mother, wife, and teacher living in San Diego.

As of January 2025, Tatiania has amassed 124,000 followers on Instagram.

Tatiana Eriksen Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full), Masturbation

Tatiana Eriksen Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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