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Taylor Lorenz

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About Taylor Lorenz

Taylor Lorenz is an American journalist and TikTok star. She is a columnist for The Washington Post. She was previously a technology reporter for The New York Times, The Daily Beast, and Business Insider, and social media editor for the Daily Mail. She is particularly known for covering Internet culture.

With a reputation of doxxing others, Twitter owner Elon Musk temporarily suspended Lorenz's Twitter account in December 2022. The suspension followed a series of suspensions of journalists under Musk's new ownership of Twitter. Lorenz said she was suspended after asking Musk for comment on a story. Musk tweeted that the suspension was for "prior doxxing action".

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Fantastic reporter and extremely smart.

Posted by Chuck1 2024-12-12 05:47  

She is beautiful and engaging. I love her pretty smile.

Posted by Gmec47268 2024-11-19 16:20 (edited 2024-11-19 16:20)  

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