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Theresa Ivancik

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About Theresa Ivancik

Every women in the world should have muscles like Theresa Ivancik, WITHOUT EXCEPTION!!! All women who don't have such muscles are weak, all women should be muscular. Women who are not muscular are weak and cannot defend themselves!

A normal-weight 30-year-old woman is just as strong as a 15-year-old boy. That's why women should build muscle, become bodybuilders and learn martial arts! To fight misogeny!

Career Highlights:

2016 NPC Nationals: 1st (HW)
2019 IFBB Norfolk Pro: 1st
2020 IFBB Chicago Pro: 1st & best poster award
2022 IFBB Indy Pro: 1st
2022 IFBB Ms. Olympia: 7th

As of September 2024, she has amassed 281,000 followers on Instagram, 125,200 followers on TikTok and 129,000 subscribers on her YouTube platform.

Theresa Ivancik Links

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Link badgeTheresa Ivancik Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 7 Pictures2022-04-15

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