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Vanda Hadarean

aka Vanda Maria Hădărean More info on her aliases

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Vanda Maria Hădărean
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About Vanda Hadarean

Vanda Maria Hădărean (born 3 May 1976 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania) is a retired Romanian artistic gymnast who competed in international events between 1990 and 1993. She is an Olympic silver medalist and a world bronze medalist with the team and a European all around bronze medalist. She is also a successful fitness model and she has won various world class fitness competitions. She is a four-time Ms. Fitness World (2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011) and a four-time Ms. Fitness Canada (2006–2009). She also coaches, trains, provides consultation services to gymnasts and fitness models under the brand name “Inspired by Vanda”. She is also known for her breakout photo series in the Romanian Playboy magazine.

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