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Ximena Sarinana

aka Ximena Sariñana More info on her aliases

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Ximena Sariñana
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About Ximena Sarinana

Ximena Sarinana Rivera was born a Scorpio--with all that THAT implies!--in Guadalajara, Mexico (need I even specify?) She's a Mexican singer-songwriter and actress of dubious ability who seems to be wowing the plebes something fierce. In 2009, she received critical acclaim and a Grammy nomination for her debut album, Mediocre (which one has to admit is a logical disconnect, right?) She was raised in Mexico City as the daughter of a producer/director and a screenwriter, so no special breaks there (thank goodness).

When she was two, she attended an Ella Fitzgerald concert and she herself claims that this was the beginning of her interest in music and has remained one of her biggest influences. She soon started listening to other artists, such as Paul Simon and Tracy Chapman. She would often, even as a child, perform song and dance numbers in full costume. When she was 7, a neighbor (singer Cecilia Toussaint) suggested that she should study under a singing teacher who had instructed some of Mexico's biggest talents. She also took piano lessons along the way. In 1994, Ximena acted in the film, HASTA MORIR, produced by her father. ("Nepo-baby", anyone?)

She was educated at the Academia de Musica Fermatta, a performing arts school, and at the Endron Academy, a private multi-lingual school, both located in Mexico City. Both surprisingly also sound like authentic institutions rather than P.O. drop boxes that simply mail. out your diploma willy-nilly. What will those crazy Mexicans come up with next?

I expect we will soon be hearing more from thls talented young lady. More than we can bear, maybe. I give you, for instance, the MCU's newest Avenger! (Well, it was just a thought.)

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