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Yelena Tyurina

aka Elena Batukhtina-Tiourina / Elena Batukhtina-Tyurina / Elena Tyurina-Batukhtina More info on her aliases

Yelena Tyurina alias list:
Elena Batukhtina-Tiourina
Elena Batukhtina-Tyurina
Elena Tyurina-Batukhtina
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About Yelena Tyurina

Elena Tyurina-Batukhtina (born 12 April 1971, in Sverdlovsk) is a retired female volleyball player from Russia who made her debut for the Soviet national team in 1989. She competed consecutively in four Olympic Games. She was part of the Soviet and Russian national teams and became European Champion in 1989, 1991, 1993, 1997 and 2001. On club level she played with Uralochka Ekaterinburg.

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