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Yoatzi Castro

aka Yoatzi More info on her aliases

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About Yoatzi Castro

Yoatzi Castro is YouTube vlogger best known for her channel simply titled Yoatzi. She has earned more than 750,000 subscribers doing tags, challenges, and makeup tutorials. She has been a brand ambassador for the Savage X Fenty brand run by Rihanna.

Long before her brother Louie began to gain fame on YouTube, she began posting photos to Instagram in November of 2012.

Outside of YouTube, Yoatzi is known on Instagram as yoatzi, on Snapchat as yoatzii, and on Twitter as Yoatzi_xo. A video from May of 2019 featured her letting the car in front of her choose the food she orders from drive through fast food places. The video has received over 2.9 million views.

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