Bree Olson
aka Bree Olsen / Bree Olsn / Rachel Marie Oberlin / Alecia Knight / Brea / Brea Nubiles / Bree / Bree XXX 
- Age: 38 years young
- Born: Tuesday 7th of October 1986
- Birthplace: Houston, Texas, United States
- Nationality: American
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Profession: Actress, Camgirl (former), Internet Personality, Porn Star (former)
- Hair color: Blonde
- Eye color: Brown
- Height: 5'3" (or 160 cm)
- Weight: 112 lbs (or 51 kg)
- Body type: Average
- Measurements: 38-28-34
- Bra/cup size: 34D show conversions
- Boobs: Real/Natural
- Pubic hair: Shaved/Brazilian
- Years active: 2006 - 2013 (started around 19 years old; 7 years in the business)
- Tattoos: None
- Piercings: None
- Instagram follower count: 255k (as of January 2025)
- Achievements:
- Twistys Treat Of The Month June 2007
- Penthouse Pet Of The Month March 2008
- Twistys Treat Of The Year 2009
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2025-02-01 08:30 🛈 ⚠
2024-10-26 20:55 🛈 ⚠
Funny that when a woman does what the hell she likes with her body, with who she wants, she is classed as a slut. A bloke does the same, and he is a lucky stud. Hypocrisy anybody? Are you men so sure you know what your wives/girlfriends are like behind your back? Or your mother come to that. I suppose slagging women off makes up for having such a small penis. Afterall, you must have some reason for hating women, and a small penis is as good as any. A real man doesn't feel the need to abuse women, physically or verbally. That says a lot about some posters on these threads. Now of course, after reading my comment, these so called men will puff themselves up with indignation and hurl abuse my way.
2024-10-13 19:12 (edited 2024-10-29 14:33) 🛈 ⚠
Beccause it's harder for a guy to get laid than a girl. A Key that can unlock a lot of things is an awesome Key. A Lock that gets unlocked by any key is a shitty lock. Also, lol at you. "A man doens't need to abuse awoman. Treat her right hurr durr" hahahaha shut the fuck up! She's not going to blow you! And guys like you pay for her Date's with other men! Shut the fuck up SIMP hahaha! She's doesn't give a fuck about you or guys like you!
2024-10-15 04:33 (edited 2024-10-15 04:35) 🛈 ⚠
Im assuming men like you just treat all women like shit, take what you want, when you want? Don't know what they are called where you are from, but over here, we call them rapists. Why you think that any man who treats a woman with dignity and resepct, is only after sex, says quite a lot about you. If you're not a rapist yet, I don't think it will be long before you are with that attitude. And you sort of proved my last paragraph. Have a nice day, moron.
2024-10-29 14:32 (edited 2024-10-29 14:38) 🛈 ⚠
Calling you a simp beta bitch makes me a rapist now? Hahahahaha! Fucking retard! How stupid can you be!? She still ain't gonna blow you or respect you! And calling it for what it is (simpin) doesn't make me a rapist you sheltered fuck! lmao Like I said earlier, LOSERS like YOU pay for her dates where she fucks other men. I see her for what she is. A worthless whore but her good looks make her beat off material. I don't respect or value her. Neither does anyone else. And you're a pussy to even try.
2024-11-02 20:01 (edited 2024-11-02 20:03) 🛈 ⚠
Feel better now you've had a rant? If you're not a rapist now, with an attitude towards women that you have, I can certainly see you becoming one. I bet you have already had a few fantasies about forcing women, afterall, they are only sluts to you aren't they? They deserve to be used? I peg you as a sad lonely person who has never had a long term relationship with anybody, male or female. You think you are sophisticated and women just don't understand you. It would be interesting to know if your mother was a sex worker when you were young. Afterall, something must have triggered this women hating outlook of yours. Seeing your mother getting pounded 20 or 30 times a day would certainly explain your hangup. Is that why you think all men pay for sex? Is that the omly way you can get any? I have decided I just pity you. I also hope you do not have any male children who are likely yo turn out just as twisted as you are. Hopefully if you have female children, they see you for what you are, a sexual predator who is a danger to all females. I will leave you to have another meaningless rant if that makes you feel better about yourself, but hopefully you will stop and think about your actions, and maybe get some professional help. Goodbye Have a nice day
2024-11-04 23:05 🛈 ⚠
Again, you sound like a cucked, beta, simp, making up a bunch of bullshit because you can't handle being wrong. And that's far more true than me being a rapist you stupid fucking shithead. You're not use to push back, clearly. Also, lmao at you trying to insult me for ranting when you typed 2x more hahahaha. I see self awareness is not your strong point. You're a loser defending a whore. Calling stronger men than you are "rapists" shows what a weak bitch you are too hahaha. If you have a daughter she'll probably think she can do whatever and men will accept her. Then be in for a rude awakening.
If you have a son, he's gonna be gay or a bitch like you. Calling a whore a whore does not make me a predator you stupid fuck.
2024-11-05 18:30 (edited 2024-11-05 18:38) 🛈 ⚠
You're so predictable. Do you ever read what you type before posting? You call your rants "pushback"? You try to come across as this big tough gangster type, but jn fact I have you pegged. In your fantasy you are big, tough, not afraid of anything or anyone. Then you go outside of your bedroom and become what you really are. A 5'3" 140lb, woman hating, woman abusing sad little wanna be. Hold your hand out and count how many real friends you have? I bet you can't remember the last time you held a normal conversation with anybody, male or female. You are the sort that chat up cashiers, just so you have somebody to talk to each day. Of course you will reply to this with your usual mouthful of abuse, but no matter what, I'm in your head now and worst of all for you, you know I'm right and no amount of rants or abuse can change that. Keep track of how many times each day you think about what I've typed, it will drive you mad. The beauty of it is, the more you froth at the mouth with your rants, the more it looks like I'm right. Have a nice day.
2024-11-06 20:07 🛈 ⚠
Lmao So you make up shit about a person to feel better about them destroying your logic? Hahahaha. You're the one crying just because I don't see a whore as an angel like your stupidass does! Hahahaha! XD And unlike pussies like you, I don't have to make up shit. It's clear as day that you're a beta simp. Your posts prove that. She still hasn't blown you huh? Awww poor little cuck! Grow a pair, loser. Also, hypocrisy much? you're trying to grill me for responding but you're doing just that! With even MORE words! Shithead! Lmao Why don't you practice what you fucking preach.
2024-11-09 02:54 (edited 2024-11-09 02:57) 🛈 ⚠