Accounts differ as to just how much of the internet is devoted to porn, but on this point they all agree – it’s a lot. About 35% of internet downloads are for porn, and even though few people are comfortable with openly discussing it in real life, they’re usually comfortable consuming it. But what about sex cam sites? They may not be about to dethrone porn from its #1 spot, but they’re definitely growing by leaps and bounds. The pandemic certainly helped, but that isn’t the only reason why; sex cam sites also offer certain advantages compared to porn, such as allowing a more personalized experience. Even so, it’s usually possible to find a wider variety of content on porn sites, since it’s easier to avoid legal gray areas with pre-recorded videos.
Allowing adult content doesn’t translate into allowing all adult content
Just look at the titles of any porn or sex cam site, and you’ll get erotic smut as far as the eye can see. From millions of luridly titled porn videos, to cam shows that promise explosive finales (literally), it may seem as though most of these sites are no-hold-barred. After all, isn’t that part of the fantasy? Visit this or that site, and find exactly what you’re looking for. It’s common to find options like BBWs, MILFs, gays, lesbians, transsexuals, various fetishes, and much more on any of these sites. But what about what they don’t offer?
Things like bestiality or child porn are banned for obvious reasons, but other content only flirts with the forbidden. It might be a controversial fetish that could attract an obscenity trial, for example. However, the current legal definition of “obscene content” is quite vague. What does this mean for anyone involved in producing porn or cam shows? That depends on which medium they’re working with.
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