New feature: Advanced search

We are happy to present a long-awaited, heavily requested new feature. We had it in the past, but it needed to be better. It is not very flexible and is too heavy on the server. Hopefully, this new version will achieve its goal.

You can find it here:

Please check it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments. We are logging all searches in our backend to optimize things properly. We already have some ideas on improving it, but we want to hear your feedback, too.

Once it’s tested and completely ready, we’ll integrate it into our user interface so everyone can easily find it.

Update March 27: We have added the following features and fixes:

  • Pubic Hair option
  • Any Ethnicity
  • Reasonable minimum and maximum height and weight
  • Imperial system support (weight & height)
  • Dark Theme support
  • Pagination
  • And/or switch when searching for social media and performances

Update March 28: We have added the following features and fixes:

  • Multiple professions search with and/or switch

Update March 29: 

  • The fields for ethnicities, boobs, hair color, eye color, body types, and pubic hair were converted from single selection radio button to multiple selection checkboxes

71 thoughts on “New feature: Advanced search”

  1. Birthday search isn’t working for me. I searched for birthdays of today (March 21, any year) and got results for birthdays on January 21

  2. When I click on any of the socials, nothing appears, and when I’m in dark mode all the words disappear until I go to the light mode

  3. Why does the height go to 1700cm? Nobody is close to that tall, it makes it hard to filter heights in a useful way. Similar problem with weight.
    There’s no way to de-select ethnicity, and there’s no “Any” button

  4. Now it may be how my phone is handling things (android) but the sliders (like for weight or height, etc) don’t actually slide. I actually have to tap on the slide bar to get it to “change” versus grabbing one of the ends and sliding to the desired value.

    Second once I get search results if I click on the babe and go to her profile when I return the rest of the search results are gone and any sliders that I had adjusted reset. Items that are “button” selected remain i.e., asian, real breasts, D cup.

  5. Nice.
    – I second the comment “show more than the first 100”, like it is available in the normal listings.
    – Is it possible to have the appearance filters as checkboxes instead of radio buttons? Like “show slim and athletic”?

  6. Thanks guys! My delight is finding babes with minimal photos uploaded so I can upload the photos that turn me on the most! I will be making good use of this feature, especially once I become adept at it’s use!
    I do wish though, once I generate results, I could check out each babe and go right back to the results without having to hit the search button again. If not possible, no big deal, I still like the feature.
    One more request, please allow trans women without a penis showing, pregnant women in all stages of dressed/undressed, and solo hardcore content (object insertions, fisting & pissing come to mind)

    Thanks again for 94,000 plus babes! Keep up the good work! You are doing a great service for all the fist fuckers out here in masturbation land! โœŒ๐Ÿ˜ŽโœŒ

  7. What about an either/or or both option for certain professions? Like the ability to search for adult models and/or porn stars rather than just one or the other.

  8. I like this search, but the text does not show up in Night Mode and it is only on the metric system for height and weight even though my account is with feet/inches and pounds.

      • The text coloring in those white search boxes (like age and Profession, etc) are also white so you have to highlight the text to see what is in the boxes. That looks to be the same in the day and night mode.
        Also, when you put in a profession and select it then there is no way to get rid of it without closing the search out and starting all over. I would think there would have been an X or something to delete it but I could not find it even when highlighting the texts.

  9. Pretty nice filtering/search feature. Could we add a choice to view profiles with Profile Pics / No Profile Pics / All Profiles

  10. Thank you for the great feature.

    One minor point: it’s not posssible to unselect some of the fields, for example “Ethnicity” or “Boobs”. Once I have selected once one these fields, it’s not possible to go back to the state that the criteria should be ignored.

    Of course, reloading the search page solves the problem ๐Ÿ˜‰ but it shouldn’t be necessary ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  11. Profession really needs to be a drop down list of precomposed options, instead of a text box.

    Ethnicity selection needs to have check boxes instead of radio buttons (I wanted to see all my ratings for Ethnicity: Black and Mixed: Mostly Black in one shot). Also it could be presented more concisely like this
    [_] Asian [_] Mostly Asian
    [_] Black [_] Mostly Black
    [_] Caucasian [_] Mostly Caucasian
    [_] Latin [_] Mostly Latin
    [_] Middle Eastern [_] Mostly Middle Eastern
    [_] Other

    Also with radio buttons, you can’t unselect ethnicity once you select it, check boxes will solve that problem as well.

    Prof. Status can be better presented as radio buttons instead of a drop down list.

    Country of Birth feature isn’t working properly for me. I believe it can be better presented as follows (like a calendar selection flyout which later shows items based on your selection)
    [ A B C D E F ]
    [ G H I J K L ]
    [ M N O P Q R ]
    [ S T U V W X ]
    [ Y Z ]

    • Profession: There is already a list of precomposed options, but it requires you to type the first two letters.

      Ethnicity selection: This was added/improved

      Profession status: We’re not sure yet what we’re going to do with this. It currently applies to all professions.

      Country of birth: Still on the todo list.

  12. Thanks so much for this feature, good stuff. Some suggestions:

    Toggle to change weight from kg to pounds. Also, a toggle to change cm to feet and inches would be nice. I used to use freeones but they switched to kg and cm, that soured the experience so I stopped going there. Choice is king, it doesn’t scare anyone away!

    A slider for measurements would be great too. Yes, you can choose body type (slim, average, chubby, etc.) but sometimes lines are blurred.

    Angela White may be considered chubby to some but average to others. She is built similar to an everyday woman but a lot thicker compared to pornstars like Jenna Jameson & Nina Hartley. Lot of arguments to be had there and both sides are right in a way. You know what her fans can’t disagree on? her yummy 30 inch waist and 42 inch hips!

    Sorry for long post, so a TLDR version:

    Option to change weight from kg to pounds
    Option to change cm to feet and inches
    Slider for measurements

    • We added support for metric vs imperial input.

      The slider for the measurements will be difficult, as it’s stored as text input now. Something we’ll look into later.

  13. ok first off nice job but height and weight needs feet and pounds options under tattoos and peircings there should be option of none also there should be an option to add a topp 100 catagory as well for example say we wanted to do a search for tall girls top 100 who are also redheadheads or say tall slim or short musculuar for example and having profession option would be nice as well so if we wanted to search for an actress whos not in porn or say a music etc…

  14. When I type the expression, Miss France, in the Biography Text Search tab, it gives No Results Found.
    However, 28 profiles of French babes indicate that they have been crowned Miss France over the last 30 years.

  15. Please add a way to search for profiles that I’ve rated, say for example, 10 out of 10. The ratings slider works on the global ratings for a profile, not my personal ratings for that profile.

    So if the global rating for a profile is 9.23 and my personal rating for that profile is 10, I have to set the ratings range from 9.23 to 10.

    You may consider offering two separate ratings slider perhaps, one for global and the other for personal. The personal slider would of course only use integers as it’s possible values.

    Please consider adding this as I believe I cannot be the only one who wants to use advanced search in this manner and it adds a lot of value to this feature.

  16. The idea of more advanced research is good. But I think that magnifying glass icon, with a “+” sign should be outside the search field. It would be better to leave it next to the blank field itself, rather than within it. Because when you do a written search, the text is covered by the icon, making it impossible to clearly see what you wrote to search for. Making it clear that the idea of more advanced research is good. I just think that the position you chose to leave the icon is a bit distracting. Leave this magnifying glass icon next to the search field. It would make it easier that way.

  17. Message “Sorry, but you need to be logged in and confirmed to use this feature.” appears even when I’m logged in. Tried logging off and back in. Tried another browser profile. Both did not work. (PC, Firefox 126.0, Win 11)

  18. When searching for a specific tattoo and/or location of tattoo it doesn’t show all the babes.
    Example: Butterfly on breast results in no babes when Ariana (Porn Star) has a butterfly tattoo on her left breast.


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