Babe Spotlight: Jessica Bartlett

Busty blue-eyed brunette, Instagram model, cheerleader, and entrepreneur is on the Spotlight following her number one ranking on Babepedia Top 100. Born and raised Californian, Jessica Bartlett rose to fame with her Instagram account reaching one million subscribers as of today.

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With the help of the vernacular of the famous, Shakespearean-level word smith, @kikipasso: Don’t forget to keep your friends close and your bazonka, yonkers closer

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Despite her stunning look, she is not your average internet beauty without any experience in life, more than that, she has a decent resume. Jessica‘s work experience includes managing restaurant businesses, being in the sales team in real estate, and even marketing in Red Bull company. Since then she quit her career and started her own online cosmetics retailer, along with the obvious success on Instagram. 

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Crikey!!! Now look what we have here!! Get closer! This is a rare moment for us all — we caught a photo of an insta thot smiling in the wild. ⁣Would you look at that!! ⁣

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Can you blame her for monetizing her delightful body? We can’t and we won’t. It shows that you enjoy her modeling too, it is you after all who rank her very high the past couple of weeks. Rate her more, pay close attention to the new pics of Jessica and we are sure we’ll see this gorgeous babe around a lot more!

Babe Spotlight: Nicole Ross

On the spotlight today is 24 years old extreme Slavic beauty from Belarus – Nicole Ross. Don’t know anything about the country or the capital city of Minsk? Well, she is from there and she is all you need to know. Her exceptional body and astonishing face should be the reason she is ranking hard and fast on our Top 100

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Selfie 🤳

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Her natural, non-artificial beauty has already attracted 400 thousand subscribers to her Instagram. Although she gained popularity being an adult model and still has Onlyfans page with the subscription starting at 10 dollars a month. 

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We gathered all of her social media in her profile, where it is clear she is also known as Valeri Christik and Nika Kolosova. So if she reminds you of someone else, that is could be why. She started her career fast and steady just recently, but already deserves full attention! Follow her closely while we will upload as many interesting and hot galleries of her as we can in the future. 

Babe Spotlight: Ekaterina Enokaeva

Stunning adult model from Moscow Ekaterina Enokaeva can take the first place on our Top 100 any moment now, being just a scratch of rating away from Nata Lee. That is no wonder, her works at the erotic modeling industry and beauty is a perfect recipe for success. 

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Все, во что мы свято верим происходит с нами. Все наши несознательные убеждения мы сами воссоздаём себе в жизни, чтобы доказать себе, что «я был прав» ⠀ Там где все женщины у вас алчные , меркантильные и циничные – только таких вы будете по жизни встречать. Или даже делать из доброй и чудесной девушки такую. Лишь бы доказать себе, что твоё ложное убеждение, которое ты несёшь по жизни верное. У кого все мужчины изменщики и предатели, тех всегда будут предавать, пока вы не поймёте что ваше убеждение ложное. Если вы думаете, что вас всегда бросают, так всегда и будет. Вы сами несознательно создадите ситуацию, которая приведёт к этому. Мы сами делаем из людей злодеев и негодяев. Все что происходит в нашей жизни мы создаём сами и ответственны только мы за это! Когда мы начнём это понимать на глубином уровне все начнёт меняться в лучшую сторону ⠀ Если ты почувствовал отклик в моих словах значит ты готов к книге «Радикальное прощение», прочти ее и твоя жизнь изменится. От чистого сердца рекомендация🙏 ⠀ Ph @ph_lana_melnikova

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Ekaterina is also famous for her exclusive content on OnlyFans. Access to her page with daily photos or video publications costs 25$ per month. Even the private message option is available, so her subscribers apparently can chat with Katya tet-a-tet. 

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Это тот редкий момент, когда я в кровати ? Мы с сестрой носимся с утра до вечера. Расписан каждый час Ни разу не вставали позднее 7.30, три раза поднимались в 5 утра. Самый активный отдых в моей жизни Думаю от таких каникул ещё придётся восстанавливать силы ? зато душа и разум отдохнули как следует @villazolitude

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Her Instagram usually has posts in Russian, but Ekaterina is near fluent in English, doing not just the modeling, but also producing and event organizing. 

This incredible babe definitely deserves your attention, cause our bet is she will be going high places not only on our ratings. More galleries and hot pictures of Katya will be available soon on Babepedia. Stay tuned!