Alexis Crystal exhibits her curvy figure and puts on the vibrator
featuring Alexis Crystal

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Gallery information
Model: Alexis Crystal
Source: Fitting Room (More Fitting Room galleries - Fitting Room galleries by popularity)
Published on: 25 September 2021
Views: 12,695
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Comments by our users
jeez...was going to write how fantastic I think she looks/and her great body and then read Rany's/Fizban's comment below...
Christ! we looking at same woman??
would love to know who the woman with the 'special look' are-??
like all good stars, but especially Slavic -her ass always open for business, and takes whoppers white and brown with a smile, and I've have always had a weakness for women with modest boobs-thankfully she's not gotten hers enhanced ...AND no piercings OR ink....two big thumbs up-!
2024-02-25 00:12 ⚠
Her curvy figure? All I see are straight lines
2021-09-25 01:47 ⚠
Alexis has never had the so-called 'special look', in a ´crowd´ of three she would get lost. But with very (very!) simple light-and-shadow effects - like seen here - even an amateur photographer manages to shoot her favourably.
2021-09-25 01:19 ⚠