Metart Present Evelyn Claire - Americana
featuring Evelyn Claire

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Gallery information
Model: Evelyn Claire
Source: MetArt (More MetArt galleries - MetArt galleries by popularity - MetArt Babes Top 100)
Published on: 28 February 2021
Views: 30,584
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Comments by our users
My dear Carras:
I have nothing against porn stars per se. However, I have resentment towards ordinary porn. It must have been over 15 years since I had to endure such a 'commercial' piece of work. Still, I strongly suspect that nothing has changed in the production:
1. man sees woman, says: "Look what we have here!
2. woman giggles
3. hand work and blow job
4. 1st hole
5. 2nd hole
6. cum in face and mouth
Rany could almost laugh at the fact that the porn industry thinks we men are so dopey - if the obviousness that there are enough goonyidiots consuming this rubbish wasn't so sad and pathetic.
Incidentally, the @-sign is pretty useless in this usage. I noticed your message because I wanted to read what the revered Ms. Katrine had written. I like her reviews!
Have a marvelous monday!
2021-03-01 03:13 ⚠
Apparently nothing is missing ... but tasteless, lackluster means only one thing, you are talented!
2021-02-28 06:55 ⚠
@Rany What is your bias against pornstars? Why do they bother you? Evelyn is gorgeous and these pics are great.
2021-02-28 01:29 ⚠
So Met-Art has once again snatched up a porn starlet... I'm sure this is the wrong way to go - apart from the fact the pics are extremely boring, uninspired and zero percent different from those on the ´appropriate´ websites.
2021-02-28 01:23 ⚠