Serena J is stripping jeans shorts and showing her boobs and pussy inside a car
featuring Serena Wood

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Model: Serena Wood
Source: Femjoy (More Femjoy galleries - Femjoy galleries by popularity)
Published on: 3 February 2021
Views: 13,825
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Comments by our users
At the time these photos were taken, Serena was really beautiful, I would even say objectively extremely attractive. Some people say she has lost some of her appeal in the last few years. I can't subscribe to such a claim, at least for my taste. She is not 20 years old anymore, but to label her as old fashioned is quite outrageous!
2021-02-03 14:08 ⚠
You made a good first impression, and that means an interesting, surprising quotation.
2021-02-03 07:54 ⚠