Metartx Presents Simon - Cool Yourself 1
featuring Simonn

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Gallery information
Model: Simonn
Source: MetArtX (More MetArtX galleries - MetArtX galleries by popularity)
Published on: 14 December 2024
Views: 14,659
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Comments by our users
I still find her sexy although she's looking tired after 12 hours of work or something. For me "she's got it", and if a woman got "it" - she's got it. (:-) "Venus" / Shocking Blue). 10*
2024-12-14 14:31 (edited 2024-12-14 14:31) ⚠
If a usually attractive gal looks like she’s had 2 hours sleep or is being held hostage, might be a sign to take the day off from a photo session.
2024-12-14 13:11 ⚠
It also looks like she had some works done a month or so ago on her face. Her cheeks look square and hard and opposed to her happy plush cheeks that you can see in so many other sets. She needs care.
2024-12-14 06:03 ⚠
Nice tits, gorgeous pussy, but she looks like she's mashed AF, as if she's took a few downers before the shoot.
2024-12-14 01:08 ⚠
I agree. This is not arousing. I feel bad for her.
2024-12-14 06:03 ⚠