NipLover1's Page
Username: | NipLover1 |
Signed up on: | December 28, 2023 |
Last seen on: | June 23, 2024 |
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Comments by NipLover1
Comments on profile pages (25)
Playboy "progressively" went woc, and destroyed the magazine. Also had a transsexual playmate (total yuck) Penthouse in contrast is still publishing. Also included "chubby" playmates. They lost it.
Posted by NipLover1 on Vendela Lindblom2024-06-19 19:09
I have reviewed all the playmates 54-2019, and selected a list of my favorites, which ended up being 132. It was honestly focused on larger breasts, with no “B cups” included, and anyone with fake tits excluded, no matter how nice the looked. For those with really nice nipples or asses, I upped her ranking.
I have Lorraine in my best breasts list (88), and clearly one of the best asses.
Posted by NipLover1 on Lorraine Olivia2024-06-01 06:08
Let me weigh in on the natural or fake issue. I carefully reviewed the large collection of shots in the oggle boggle link below and I believe they were natural, at least in her playmate shoot.
Here breasts have a concave shape – fakes are convex.
Not equally sized – fakes are invariably equally sized. Her left is smaller than her right, and as she matured the difference remained.
Puffy nips – the only fake I remember with puffies is Alicia Sterling. Nips don’t look like many of the fakes around that time.
Curvy rear and hips. While some women with big naturals have small asses and hips such as Hanna Hilton, there is a clear pattern overall. If a woman has really big breasts and small ass/hips, she is immediately suspect to my eyes.
In shots on her back they flatten considerably, fakes stick up. I have noticed with a lot of big tit fakes, Playboy photographers avoid shots that would show that they are fakes, such as shots from on side or hangers.
I have concluded that they are real, and Suzi is my favorite playmate, followed by :
Cynthia Myers,
Liv Lindeland
Jami Ferrell
Fran Gerard
Shanna Marie McLaughlin
Petra Verkaik
Kelly Gallagher
Emily Agnes
Patricia Farinelli
Nancy Cameron
Posted by NipLover1 on Suzi Simpson2024-04-08 19:26
I have reviewed all the playmates 54-2019. I have Kaylia in my best asses list. With there were more shots of those lovely curves
Posted by NipLover1 on Kaylia Cassandra2024-03-18 18:06
I have reviewed all the playmates 54-2019. I have Dominique in my best asses list. With there were more shots of those lovely curves
Posted by NipLover1 on Dominique Jane2024-03-18 18:02
I have reviewed all the playmates 54-2019. I have Monica in my best asses list. Babepedia lists her as natural, but I have my doubts
Posted by NipLover1 on Monica Sims2024-03-18 16:43
Should have been PMOY
Posted by NipLover1 on Elsie Hewitt2024-03-18 02:51
I am progressively reviewing playmates. I first did my favorites list (excluding those with fake tits) and best breasts, now am doing best asses and nips. She is on my best asses list. Hard to rank ad playboy often does not include enough ass shots to be able to assess, and Megan’s is FINE.
Posted by NipLover1 on Megan Samperi2024-03-18 02:19
I am progressively reviewing playmates. I first did my favorites list (excluding those with fake tits) and best breasts, now am doing best asses and nips. She is on my best asses list. Hard to rank ad playboy often does not include enough ass shots to be able to assess, and Shaunna’s is FINE.
Posted by NipLover1 on Shauna Sexton2024-03-17 20:18
I am progressively reviewing playmates. I first did my favorites list (excluding those with fake tits) and best breasts, now am doing best asses and nips. She is on my best asses list. Hard to rank ad playboy often does not include enough ass shots to be able to assess, and Pricilla's is FINE.
Posted by NipLover1 on Priscilla Huggins Ortiz2024-03-17 03:26
I have reviewed all the playmates 54-2019, and selected a list of my favorites, which ended up being 132. It was honestly focused on larger breasts, with no “B cups” included, and anyone with fake tits excluded, no matter how nice the looked. For those with really nice nipples or asses, I upped her ranking.
Angela should have been PMOY, not fake tit Barbara, and I have her as number 16. While Tiffany was a hot natural, I don’t see her as PMOY. Cady C, and Tanya B would also have been a good PMOY.
Posted by NipLover1 on Angela Melini2024-03-10 05:21
Question for my fellow playmate fans. Babepedia lists playmates as fake/enhanced even if they were natural when they posed as a playmate and later got implants, such as Shae Marks. So, was Barbara a natural when she posed for the playmate shoot?
Posted by NipLover1 on Barbara Moore2024-02-04 23:12
I have reviewed all the playmates 54-2019, and selected a list of my favorites, which ended up being 132. It was honestly focused on larger breasts, with no “B cups” included, and anyone with fake tits excluded, no matter how nice the looked. For those with really nice nipples or asses, I upped her ranking.
While Julie was a hot natural, I don’t see her as PMOY. Not in my best breasts list (which excluded all fakes), not in my best nips or asses list. This was a great year – Donna P, Kelly G, Maria C, Shae M and Becks D would all been better choices, especially one on my all time faves, Kelly G.
Posted by NipLover1 on Julie Lynn Cialini2024-01-30 03:21
I have reviewed all the playmates, and selected a list of my favorites, which ended up being 132. It was honestly focused on larger breasts, with no “B cups” included. Anyone with fake tits excluded, no matter how nice the looked. For those with really nice nipples or asses, I upped her ranking. Shae ended up 31st.
Wonder tits – when they were natural. The fakes were hideous/grotesque. Whoever did the surgery should have been charged with felony breast desecration.
Posted by NipLover1 on Shae Marks2024-01-22 04:39
Lovely lady, lovely breasts. I have Elan on my best playmate ass and nipples list.
Posted by NipLover1 on Elan Carter2024-01-15 03:16
Kelly was also included in my best asses list
Posted by NipLover1 on Kelly Gallagher2024-01-13 02:51
I compiled a list of favorite playmates. It is admittedly focused on larger breasts, with no "Bs" included, and all fake tits excluded no matter how nice they look. I gave plusses to nice nipples and asses. I ended up with a list of 132, which took a lot of pleasant effort to rank. Maria ended up 104th. Maria was also in my best asses list.
Posted by NipLover1 on Maria Checa2024-01-13 02:50
Kelly should have been PMOY. Gorgeous, large, shapely and full breasts, the color and size of her areolas really show sweetly on her breasts, nice ass. I compiled a list of favorite playmates. While it is admittedly focused on breasts, with no "Bs" included, and all fake tits excluded no matter how nice they look. I gave plusses to nice nipples and asses. I ended up with a list of 132, which took a lot of pleasant effort to rank. Kelly was my #8
Posted by NipLover1 on Kelly Gallagher2024-01-10 04:00
So she said that she should have been PMOY vs Julie Lynn Cialini. She had fake tits, which should totally disqualify her. In my opinion, it should have been Kelly Gallegher, who was exceptional, if not Shae Marks or Maria Checa
Posted by NipLover1 on Victoria Zdrok2024-01-09 02:41
Nice natural. I read that an agent pressured her into getting a boob job. I can get you bigger parts if you have bigger parts. She said "I like my parts just fine". I second that motion!
Posted by NipLover1 on Danelle Marie Folta2024-01-08 03:56
The OggleBoggle link for Rachel is useless, you can't do anything with it once the page displays. I'd love to see more pics of her ass. Anyone have any links?
Posted by NipLover1 on Rachel Jean Marteen2024-01-05 23:31
on my playmste "best ass" list
Posted by NipLover1 on Lisa Marie Scott2024-01-04 22:27
One of the finest asses in the history of playmates!
Posted by NipLover1 on Elisa Bridges2024-01-03 21:55
Cynthia should have been the PMOY vs the fake tits babe. Lovely natural tits, in many pics wonderful nips, great ass, very pretty.
Posted by NipLover1 on Cynthia Gwyn Brown2024-01-03 04:04
A couple posters suggested that Stephanie H had fake tits, and I’m assuming this applied to her playmate experience. I acknowledge that an initial review of her playmate shots were suspect. This is partially because, due to the proliferation of fake tits among playmates, NS specials and cybergirls, playboy photographers took to obscuring fake tits of playmates with c cups or larger – selective poses, shots with partial clothes designed to hide the un naturalness. For example, rarely showing unclothed breasts laying flat or on her side. Fake tits would be way too upright.
I have reviewed not only the playboy shots, but pictorials from other sites following. Real tits and their wonderful fluidity respond to gravity and positioning in a way fake tits do not. I suspect that those who suggested that she had fake tits did not review the wealth of shots in the collection of shorts in the OggleBoggle link below.
I have reviewed those and have concluded that Stephanie did not have fake tits at the time of her playmate shoot or multiple years after. Unfortunately as she continued bib tit nude modeling, she must have had an enhancement before her Gent shop, which is also know to feature fake tits babes. I do strongly suspect that she was not a platinum blond (fake hair color is much less worse than fake tits!)
I have also seen a general trend. If a woman has wide hips and large ass, larger breasts also follow in many cases, as this brings in the woman’s propensity to store fat. Small ass and narrow hips cause me to question really big tits. There are exceptions. Hanna Hiltion had fabulous natural DDs, but a small ass and narrow hips. Jada Stevens has small sits but also wide hips and a seriously fine ass. Stephanie has a pleasantly large ass.
So let me present my case. From the sets below at, please look at the following pics from set 1: shots 4, 6, 7, 8, 28
Set 2: Shots 8, 10,11, 13-15, 18-22, 24-26
The 3rd set, from Marquis is obviously from several years later. Her wonderful breasts show the natural progression – a little larger, larger nipples, and some sagging. Shots: 15-25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 55, 56, 58, 59. No photographer games in the 3rd and 4th set.
Set 4 is the most telling, shots: 9-32, 34, 35.
What we also see in the later sets is her lifting her arms above her head to offset the effects of sagging. Petra Verkiac did this a lot as she grew older as well.
I rest my case.
FYI, I reference both his site and Boobpedia. They both show real or enhanced, usually. If they disagree, use your eyes, and there is a good chance they’re fake. Also if they did not say either way, use your eyes, and they are most likely fake again. If this is a bit analytical, it is because my whole career was as an analyst.
Posted by NipLover1 on Stephanie Heinrich2023-12-30 03:11