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A2theC's Favorite Babes
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Total number of babes in this list: 67
Ana De Armas
Nata Lee
Alexandra Daddario
Katie Fey
Margot Robbie
Hannah Palmer
Emily Ratajkowski
Elizabeth Turner
Alexa Breit
Candice Swanepoel
Alice Eve
Eiza Gonzalez
Scarlett Johansson
Nina Agdal
Bar Refaeli
Emilia Clarke
Marisa Miller
Lacey Chabert
Hannah Davis
Sophia Knight
Scarlett Leithold
Erin Heatherton
Cherie Lorraine
Aishwaria Rai
Katherine Heigl
Hailey Grice
Jordan Mcewen
Summer Glau
Karen Gillan
Alyson Michalka
Michelle Monaghan (Actress)
Amanda Seyfried
Doutzen Kroes
Kristy Swanson
Stella Maxwell
Rachel Weisz
Eliza Dushku
Arielle Kebbel
Rachel McAdams
Josie Maran
Bilochka ASMR
January Jones
Courtney Day
Alicia Silverstone
Emma Stone
Rebecca Ferguson
Hilary Duff
Melissa Benoist
Zooey Deschanel
Rhona Mitra
Britney Spears
Ashlyn Rae
Freya Allan
Elizabeth Berkley
Christina Chong
India Eisley
Mandy Moore
Alicia Vikander
Claudia Wells
Gisele Bündchen
Kate Bosworth
Sasha Zotova
Bella Hadid
Gwen Stefani
Ellen Pompeo
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Total number of babes in this list: 67