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Bigerm72's Favorite Babes
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Total number of babes in this list: 48
Lucy Pinder
Monica Bellucci
Kelly Brook
Charlotte McKinney
Adriana Lima
Salma Hayek
Holly Peers
Demi Rose
Kate Upton
Paige Spiranac
Elizabeth Marxs
Scarlett Johansson
Jessica Bartlett
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Ali Rose
Shanna Marie McLaughlin
Juli Annee
Kayla Simmons
Francoise Boufhal
Kelly Andrews
Kym Graham
Arianny Celeste
Gemma Atkinson
Tahlia Hall
Anna Lisa Christiane
Emma Sierra
Cindy Crawford (Supermodel)
Madison Pettis
Nastya Titorenko
Marisol Yotta
Sofia Bevarly
Shania Twain
Abi Ratchford
Jane Seymour
Alyssa Milano
Val Cortez
Alana Campos
Stephanie Symonds
Laci Kay Somers
Ariel Winter
Darrian Dallas
Gina Carano
Rachel Aldana
Inessa Tushkanova
Maria Von Zarring
Cecily Strong
Ashley Alexiss
Janet Jackson
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Total number of babes in this list: 48