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IrishRaven24's Favorite Babes
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Total number of babes in this list: 49
Jennifer Walcott
Amber James
Sharon Petock
Krystal Webb
Lorissa McComas
Erin O'Bryn
Ashley Williams (Penthouse)
Christy Carrera
Nicole Graves
Bodacious Babbette
Capri Cavanni
Katie Banks
Bianca Beauchamp
Jenny Poussin
Patty Kuprys
Lucy Becker
Rocki Roads
Audrey Bitoni
Wendy Wilcoxon
Jillian Beyor
Sha Ross
Andi Sue Irwin
Kristi Myst
Sheena Lee
Carrie Lorimer
Kelly Bell
Brandy Dahl
Tara Caballero
Carrie LaChance
Erin Fox
Nicole Simmons
Farrah Scotts
Jesse Layne
Tabitha Stevens
Amanda Pogrell
Cindy Chance
Shauna Banks
Cori Castille
Amber Sexxxum
Amanda Addams
Kelly Erickson
April Arikssen
Alicia DiMarco
Sugar Chanelle
Jessie James (Porn Star)
Olivia Estrada
Tyler Stevens (USA)
Nicole Ann
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Total number of babes in this list: 49