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Alicia Loraina Olivas image 4 of 4

Alicia Loraina Olivas

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I'm not going to say she's ugly. I'll leave that up to the rest of you.

Posted by GeeMan7 2024-12-19 01:52  

Look, I would make love to her with enthusiasm if she were willing. But to say she belongs in the same class as Stacy Sanches, Victoria Silvstedt, Karen McDougal, Samantha Dorman, (insert your favorite playmates here) is an objective untruth.

Posted by Jared_Hustle 2024-09-23 22:17  

she's okay but not the right fit

Posted by Magentakisses38 2020-09-04 23:42  

If that's a joke, it's clearly gone in the pants. Being a Playmate once meant being the epitome of beauty. The year 2020: an institution prepares its own funeral. Hef would turn over in his grave...

Posted by Rany 2020-06-24 04:05  

The way its going, playboy better get some damm good writers, because the articles will be the only thing selling there product. Most of the playmates this year have been a bad joke.

Posted by tspe 2020-06-04 09:29  

What the hell happened to playboy? Playmate of the month used to mean she was attractive now it is just pointless.

Posted by kachok 2020-06-03 19:40  

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