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Ami Onuki

aka Ami Ōnuki / 大貫亜美 More info on her aliases

Ami Onuki alias list:
Ami Ōnuki
大貫亜美 (her name in Japanese ideograms)
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About Ami Onuki

Ami Onuki is a Japanese singer and a member of J-pop group PUFFY, along with Yumi Yoshimura.

She has co-hosted several Japanese TV shows with the "cool" half of PUFFY, Yumi Yoshimura, including the talk show Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Puffy, part of a morning show called Saku-Saku and the 2006 series Hi Hi Puffy Bu, in which Ami and Yumi perform one given task each week to comedic effect.

She married Teru, the vocalist of the rock band Glay and announced the birth of their baby girl on her blog in March 2003.

On PUFFY's 2007 greatest hits album Hit & Fun, Ami is pictured both on the CD cover and within the CD insert clearly wearing both an engagement and wedding ring on her left ring finger and she continues to wear her wedding ring in pictures on the PUFFY Staff Diary.

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