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Angela Leyva

aka María Ángela Leyva Tagle / Ángela Leyva More info on her aliases

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Ángela Leyva
María Ángela Leyva Tagle
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About Angela Leyva

María Ángela Leyva Tagle (born November 22, 1996 in Lima, Peru) is a peruvian volleyball player who plays for the Peru national team. At the age of 14 she had already been in all categories of Peru's national team, Child (U16), Youth (U18), Junior (U20) and Senior.[3]

Leyva was captain of the team that won gold at the 2012 Youth South American Championship, the first gold medal for Peruvian volleyball in that category after 32 years and the first gold in any category in 19 years.[4]

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