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Anna Tatangelo

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About Anna Tatangelo

Anna Tatangelo (born January 8, 1987) is a Italian-born singer, glamour model and "actress". Raised in a small town near Rome, at the age of 16 won the most important singing contest in Italy: il Festival di San Remo.

He has participated seven times in the Sanremo Festival with the songs "Doubly fragile" in 2002, "Wanting to fly" in 2003, "Suburban girl" in 2005, "Being a woman" in 2006, "My friend" in 2008, " Bastardo "in 2011, and" Libera "in 2015.

He also received several prizes and awards, including a Mia Martini "Young" Award, a Venice Music Award, a Wind Music Award and two participations in the Summer Festival.

As of January 2024, she has amassed 1.9 million followers on her Instagram platform.

Anna Tatangelo Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

Anna Tatangelo Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

Anna Tatangelo Links

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Link badgeAnna Tatangelo - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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Happy birthday

Posted by Paolino980 2024-01-09 09:26  🛈  

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