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Ashley Ortega

aka Ashleigh Marguerretthe Krystalle Nordstrom Samson More info on her aliases

Ashley Ortega alias list:
Ashleigh Marguerretthe Krystalle Nordstrom Samson
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About Ashley Ortega

This is Ashley Ortega the Filipino actress, not the Ashley Ortega the American vlogger.


Ashley Ortega is known for her role of Alex Martinez on the drama romance TV series ‘My Destiny’.

She also featured for her role of Rose Angeles on the drama suspense thriller TV series ‘Dormitoryo’. She co hosted Philippine TV variety show ‘Wowowin’ which released in 2017.

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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you seeing someone right now?!!!!!!! You are gorgeous!!!

Posted by RUSHmusicfan 2025-03-21 06:00  🛈