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Ava Del Rio

aka Agnieszka Korzeniewska / Ava Del Río More info on her aliases

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Agnieszka Korzeniewska
Ava Del Río
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About Ava Del Rio

Ava Del Rio – Agnieszka Korzeniewska
She is a full-time posing model. She specializes in pin-up and sensual sessions, but she is also happy to implement other interesting ideas. In 2021, she won the title of Miss Pin-Up 2021 at the Polish Boogie Festival, and in 2022 the title of Miss Pin-Up 2022 American Cars Mania.

Ava Del Rio is Polish Miss Pin-Up 2021 who loves Madrid, retro style and football. Every day she runs her own Spanish school and in her free time she watches matches of her favorite team.

In addition to modeling, he is a musician and foreign language teacher and runs his own Spanish school.

Hobby: soccer
Favorite music: rock
Favorite band: Queen and Avenged Se
Footwear 38

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