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Barbie Ross

aka Alice Holland More info on her aliases

Barbie Ross alias list:
Alice Holland
Barbie Ross - Playboy Plus
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About Barbie Ross

Barbie Ross from Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, has posed for 8 covers, 5 photosets, and 3 videos.

Playboy Plus:
"Barbie Ross, a model and artist hailing from Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, expresses her passion for breaking artistic norms. “Growing up, my sister convinced me I was an alien, so I’m not sure if I was conditioned to feel different or if I was just born that way—I’ve always felt like I was swimming against the current!” Embracing her unique artistic vision, Barbie has always been a creative spirit. “I have a deep love for pop culture and fashion. I would craft my own outfits, scour costume shops for unique pieces, and wear them throughout the year because it brought me joy.” Barbie first encountered Playboy as a teenager and was particularly inspired by the iconic Pamela Anderson pictorials. “I always admired her and what she represented,” Barbie shares with a smile. “My journey with Playboy has been incredible. I went from wearing my favorite Playboy choker as a teen to now, two decades later, modeling for Playboy.” When it comes to nude modeling, Barbie embraces it wholeheartedly. “Posing nude makes me feel free. I envision myself as one of those nude angels from a 19th-century painting, just with a bit more spray tan and eyelashes,” she chuckles. “What I cherish most about my work? I love the creative process, and there are no limits! Art is open to interpretation, so I’m always on the right track.” Be sure to explore Barbie Ross’ galleries and videos on Playboy Plus!"

Barbie Ross Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Barbie Ross Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Posted by Malgar1000 2024-12-06 16:13  🛈  


Posted by Malgar1000 2024-12-02 16:57  🛈