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Blondie Bee

aka Blondee Bee / Blondi / Blondi Bee / Marjorie Miller More info on her aliases

Blondie Bee alias list:
Blondee Bee
Blondi Bee
Marjorie Miller
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About Blondie Bee

Blondie Bee is a former American porn star who appeared in over 100 film/video featues in a four year career which lasted from 1986-1990. She, according to numerous sources, since retiring from the adult entertainment industry in 199i, eventually settled down into married life, and is residing in Arizona, with two children. Her name, as later a few other future actresses, was a play from the comic strip and 1940's - 1950's radio/TV show charatcer.

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User comments

One of the 80’s prettiest little pussies. Too bad she only banged one guy.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-12-11 14:54  

It is hard to say if she is Blondie Montana now.

Posted by Jeff_Pilon 2024-05-25 05:58  

very hot

Posted by azeri98 2020-05-23 21:25