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Brittany Venti

aka Brittany Dier More info on her aliases

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Brittany Dier - Real name
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About Brittany Venti

Brittany Venti (born Brittany Dier) is an American commentary YouTuber and former Twitch streamer.

As of April 2024, she has amassed 226,000 subscribers on her YouTube platform.

Venti originally came to fame in 2015 as a user of named Lollipop Ninja. She would stream several games such as Grand Theft Auto and League of Legends. On her stream, she would purposely pronounce words wrong and created her own vocabulary, such as saying "league of leggings" instead of "League of Legends". Venti's stream was raided on a consistent basis and later she was kicked off the platform for violating their terms of service. She then became a full time YouTube streamer who makes commentary on day to day drama and political issues.
She also is known for criticizing public figures, such as Kevin Samuels, Shoe0nHead and Anisa Johma.

In December 2021, Venti interviewed Mr. Dickenballs, the superchatter who sent the superchat that caused the controversy between Sydney Watson and Jack Murphy on the BlazeTV podcast show "You Are Here".

Venti was born to a black mother and a white father, but both passed away before she turned 16. She lived in New York, but moved to Texas in August 2021. She previously lived in Connecticut with her mother.

Venti is celibate and promotes abstinence outside of marriage, stating that she engaged in serial monogamy in the past, but is attempting to change.

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User comments

Would be great if she showed the world her goods

Posted by Jagercooms 2024-03-14 19:31  🛈  

A solid 7.5/10, but I'll give her an 8. 10/10 tits though.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2024-01-29 22:39 (edited 2024-01-29 22:39)  🛈