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Brittie Photodromm

aka Brittie / Lilla Flodung More info on her aliases

Brittie Photodromm alias list:
Brittie - Photodromm
Lilla Flodung
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About Brittie Photodromm

Okay, guys. Based on the assumed rarity of the name "Lilla Flodung", this one is evidently a 32-year old stylist from Hungary. (That matches the profile) She is also given as a 30-year-old Londoner and fashion designer, the creator of FLeather products (see that website), who has been designing clothes since the age of 3, and who has been officially in the clothing business for more than 10 years. Both photosets match what's shown here, although I wasn't able to get a match on the arm tattoos. Apparently seed money has to come from somewhere. Also her stated motto is "Born rebel. Be braver." And that about sums it up, I think.

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All these galleries and pics, but no information???

Posted by Raelian_Star 2019-03-18 09:09  🛈