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Carrie Minter

aka Carrie Elizabeth Minter / Carrie Lagree More info on her aliases

Carrie Minter alias list:
Carrie Elizabeth Minter
Carrie Lagree
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About Carrie Minter

Carrie Minter is an adult model. She is the Playboy Cyber Girl of the week for October 25 2004 and of the month for February 2005.

After being named Playboy Cyber Girl of the Week for 25 October 2004 and Cyber Girl of the Month for February 2005, Carrie did a Cyber Girl Xtra in July 2009.

She also appeared in the Playboy video series "Bodcast," episode 17.

Carrie Minter Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

The picture of her with her ass in the air, and we can see her labia majora and then her big breasts are hanging down, her beautiful face and blonde hair, its erection inducing!!

Posted by masturbate2020 2024-05-13 20:04  

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Yes she is wonderful! I am going to crack one over her right now..

Posted by superscorer3 2024-05-14 17:33  

Seems she didn't have false female orbs back when she was Cyber Girl of the Month, those came later. Too bad. She didn't need it, she was already a lovely kajira.

Posted by drusus 2021-10-21 22:52  

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Actually I think she looks better with the bigger tits. She was always stunningly pretty and now has the tits to match!

Posted by superscorer3 2024-04-05 17:17  

I'm sure she and her surgeon like those fake tits, too bad for a one time pretty girl...

Posted by dirtyoldan 2017-12-24 22:07