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Chy Burd

aka Chyanne Burden More info on her aliases

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Current rank: #10099 Ranking Graph
She was the #1 for 1 day
59 have favorited her

About Chy Burd

Chyanne Burden, known professionally as Chy Burd, is an American TikTok star and glamour model.

As of December 2024, Chy has amassed 212,000 followers on Instagram and 1.4 million followers on her TikTok platform.

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And here we are today with Monica back in number one, and Chy Burd has dropped all the way down to 15,500. This top 25 or top 100 for the most part is just a bad joke, most of them have been on the list for ages, and most of them are just nice bodys with big tit's,not actuly good looking all around Beautiful woman. As I have said before there are thousands of extremely beautiful woman on this site, but the top 10-100 never changes.

Posted by tspe 2024-10-06 09:14  

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Don't disagree with your point in general, however, making it in the comments of Chy Burd is ridiculous because she should've never ever have been inside the top 5000

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-10-11 01:07  

This is ridiculous, Monica Bellucci is replaced by that.

Posted by tspe 2024-10-05 09:54  

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No, ridiculous was Cavanis at #1 for 48 days

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-10-05 19:17  

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You're both correct.

Posted by LeLoyon71 2024-10-06 02:20  

Leather jacket photo is very sexy, alas, that 9.23 with be at best an 8.8 tomorrow as she's just another overrated rising star

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-10-05 08:21