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Clare Crawley

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About Clare Crawley

As of December 2024, Clare has amassed 961,000 followers on Instagram.

From US magazine...

he Bachelorette alum revealed in July 2021 that she is having her breast implants removed after doctors found that her high white blood cell count was due to “fluid sacks” behind the implants. “My body is fighting [my implants]. My body can’t heal. My body is in fight mode constantly,” she said via her Instagram Story, noting she’s had hives and other symptoms for months. “I love my health more [than my boobs]. I love my wellbeing more.”

Crawley continued: “I was talking to Dale [Moss] the other day and he said, ‘Your boobs are not what make you beautiful.’ And it’s the truth. For so long I believed that’s what it would take. To me this is the ultimate love story. Is Loving body enough to know this is not what makes me beautiful. My health and happiness is what matters.”

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very hot and crazy

Posted by azeri98 2021-01-02 17:05  

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