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Daniela Fazzolari

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About Daniela Fazzolari

Daniela was born in Turin in 1975 to a Piedmontese mother and a Calabrian father. He studied dance at the "Susanna Egri" dance school in Turin, and from 1997 to 2000 acting at the Stabile theater school.

In 1997 he appeared on television for the first time in the TV film Don't Call Me Dad. Success came with the Canale 5 soap opera "CentoVetrine", where from 8 January 2001 to 25 March 2005 she was present in 960 episodes, in the role of "Anita Ferri".

Daniela Fazzolari Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Daniela Fazzolari Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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