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Debora Dantas

aka Débora Dantas More info on her aliases

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Débora Dantas (birth name)
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About Debora Dantas

She took part at Miss Bumbum Brasil 2015
Nude photoshoot and cover at Sexy Mag. Nov, 2015 as Miss Bumbum Argentina

For a few months before and after Miss Bumbum she enjoyed many trips to nightclub shows, a relationship with a famous brazilian rapper and luxury escort jobs.

In 2016 after intense party with friends she fell from her 4th floor apartment's balcony and was quadriplegic. Since then she has addressed this theme and defending the rights of people living with physical disabilities in everyday life in her social medias.

Debora Dantas Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Debora Dantas Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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