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Donatella Rettore

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About Donatella Rettore

Donatella Rettore, also simply known as Rettore is an Italian singer and songwriter.

Rettore started her singing career in 1973. Her early recordings was oriented towards Italian music. She became successful in 1979 when she recorded the album Brivido Divino. Her most popular hits are Splendido Splendente (Splendid Shining), Kobra, Donatella, Lamette (Razor Blades), This Time, Io Ho Te (I've Got You), Amore Stella (Love Star) e Di Notte Specialmente (Especially By Night). The majority of Rettore's albums are a mixture of pop, rock, disco music and ska. In the mid-1980s she experienced a slow decline in popularity, and she had to wait almost a decade before recording a top 10 Italian charts hit. Rettore's most recent album, Stralunata, is an anthological double CD & DVD which entered directly to n. 2 and stayed in top 10 Italian charts for two months.

Donatella Rettore Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

Donatella Rettore Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Happy birthday. Stunning woman

Posted by Paolino980 2024-07-08 01:20  🛈  

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