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Dora Moroni

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About Dora Moroni

Born in 1954, she participated in various singing competitions from an early age, winning the first at the age of 8 in her hometown. In 1974 she took part in the musical broadcast of Piazza Singing Rally, and met Corrado. The following year she posed for a photo shoot in a magazine in Spain, a country in which she seemed to be embarking on a career as an actress, when Corrado offered her to join him in the first edition (1976-1977) of "Domenica in". The new program is a great success, with peaks of 18 million viewers and Moroni, at the behest of Corrado himself (who is also co-author of 2 of his songs, as well as creator of the programme) plays the role of valet for the first time " speaking": presents, recites, sings, dances.

Dora Moroni Performances

Solo: Nudity (Implied Nudity Only)

Dora Moroni Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Happy birthday. Stunning woman

Posted by Paolino980 2024-12-14 10:15  

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