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Edna Velho

aka Edna Rosangela Dias Velho More info on her aliases

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Edna Rosangela Dias Velho (birth name)
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About Edna Velho

During the 1980s and 1990s she was famous in Brazilian Carnivals with União da Ilha, Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi and Salgueiro, many salon parties, in nude magazines such as Ele Ela (cover twice in Jan 1985 and Mar 1986 among other secondary essays), Playboy and Sexy (3 times cover at Mar 2000 and 2001 plus Apr 2004) and has participated in theatre plays like O Analista de Bagé and TV comedy shows like A Praça é Nossa (from 1994 to 2003).
She graduated from university and became a civil servant at the Brazilian central bank from 2013 on.

Edna Velho Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Edna Velho Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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