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Erica Nemeth

aka Erica Ann McDowell

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About Erica Nemeth

Erica Nemeth is an American fitness model and aesthetician.

Erica grew up in a small Southern town, a member of a close knit family. It was one of those towns where everyone was nice, and everybody knew everyone else. Naturally, under this environment, Erica enjoyed her school years, and the decision to attend college was an easy one. She attended the University of Kentucky for two years then transferred to University of Louisville, where Erica graduated with an impressive BA in Psychology.

Erica found herself, less than satisfied, after multiple stints as a waitress, and needed a greater challenge. On December 31st, 1998, she made the New year's resolution to get into the best shape of her life. Weight training, cardio, and healthy eating all became part of her lifestyle.

Intense daily workouts at the Powerhouse Gym, Louisville, KY had quite a positive effect of Erica's body! With her new, fabulous physique, Erica entered her very contest, the Original Homemade Bikini Contest, and won! An illustrious start to a great career Talk about sticking to New Year's Resolution!

The following year, Erica ran her first mini-marathon after four grueling months of training. During this time, Erica shot with several noted fitness photographers, which led to her pictures appearing in magazines such as Musclemag, Musclemag: Just Swimsuits, and American Health and Fitness. Once again, Erica's dedication to her goals

Erica Nemeth Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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