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Giada Desideri

aka Maria Giada Faggioli More info on her aliases

Giada Desideri alias list:
Maria Giada Faggioli
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About Giada Desideri

At 13 she was discovered by a photographer from the Ford Model Agency in New York; subsequently Luigi Comencini chose her to play the role of Crisolinda in the film "A boy from Calabria"; in the opening credits she is presented as Giada Faggioli. In 1990, after studying acting in Los Angeles, she starred in a theatrical comedy written by Valeria Moretti and curated by Lucia Poli. She then made his television debut in the second series of "I ragazzi del muretto".

Giada Desideri Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

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Hot and sexy woman

Posted by Paolino980 2024-02-05 21:57  

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