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Hana Kimura

aka Kimura Hana / 木村花 More info on her aliases

Hana Kimura alias list:
Kimura Hana - Real name (Romanji Japanese)
木村花 - Real name (Japanese)
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About Hana Kimura

Hana Kimura (木村花, Kimura Hana, September 3, 1997 – May 23, 2020) was a Japanese joshi puroresu professional wrestler. She worked for native companies in her country such as World Wonder Ring Stardom from 2016 to 2020, and Wrestle-1, in addition to having made appearances for foreign companies such as Ring of Honor, Pro-Wrestling: EVE, and some independent promotions in Mexico. Kimura was a second-generation wrestler; her mother Kyoko Kimura is a former professional wrestler.

Early in the morning of May 23, 2020, Kimura posted self-harm images on Twitter and Instagram while sharing some of the hate comments she received. She was reported dead later that day, at the age of 22. The cause of death was hydrogen sulfide inhalation. By December 2020 the death was ruled a suicide.

Kimura was of Indonesian and Japanese descent.

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