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Hayat Ahmed

aka Hayat Ahmed Mohammed More info on her aliases

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Hayat Ahmed Mohammed - Real name
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About Hayat Ahmed

Ethiopia's first representative to Miss World pageant. At the time of the competition, she was a third-year student at the Unity University College pursuing a course in Information Management Systems. At the time of the competition, she was a third-year student at the Unity University College pursuing a course in Information Management Systems. At Miss World 2003 pageant with 100 contestants, Hayat made the semi-finals and the title "Continental Queen of Beauty - Africa." The pageant took place in China and was seen by 1 billion people.
Hayat currently focuses her time on promoting condoms and bringing HIV/AIDS awareness to other parts of the country. This has sparked outrage and claims of hypocrisy as she is a Muslim woman promoting safe sex in Ethiopia, a very culturally conservative country, by using very western-style seductive advertisements for condoms on billboards.

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