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Janice Pennington

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About Janice Pennington

Her younger sister, Ann Pennington, was also a Playboy Playmate. She posed for the March 1976 issue.

Was one of the original four models on The Price Is Right (1972).
Former sister-in-law of Shaun Cassidy.
In 1988, Janice was knocked off-stage by a camera during a taping of The Price Is Right (1972) and rendered unconscious.
Was a model on The Price Is Right (1972) from 1972 to 2000.
Second husband, Frederic "Fritz" Stammberger, a famed mountain climber, went missing near the Soviet Union. He was declared legally dead in 1984.

Aunt of Caitlin Ann Cassidy and John Cassidy.

Janice Pennington Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

She always had such gorgeous legs on the show!
Perfect small tits on her also.
Always seemed to be very down-to-earth on the show.

Posted by staterings 2024-06-11 00:08  

She used to be a Barker's Beauty on the Price is Right.

Posted by drusus 2021-08-12 06:52