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Joy Villa

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About Joy Villa

Joy Angela Villa is an American singer-songwriter, actress, and YouTuber. She is known for her various conservative political and social causes.

Villa was born in Orange, California. Her father Rev. Joseph Villa was an Italian-Argentine, while her mother Mildred Angela Pierce Villa was African American and had some Choctaw ancestry. Her maternal great-uncle was jazz vocalist Kenny Hagood. She attended high school at Lompoc High School, and graduated in 2004.

Villa has worked as an actress and producer. From age 14 to 16, she was with Youth Network TV on Comcast Television. These roles include starring as a lovestruck young woman in romantic comedy "The Contrast", Kushite Princess Amesemian in "Brigantia", an umbrella-wielding carny in the "Heroes" Season 4 episode "Orientation", and other appearances on "CSI: NY, The Valley Girls" and "MTV Next".

Joy Villa grew up in New York City and Santa Barbara, California and has toured in over 25 countries including Denmark, South Africa, France, Italy, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Mexico, often visiting Scientology centers in those countries. Villa is a Scientologist and credits her study of Scientology for improving her life and career. Villa has described herself as a "Christian Scientologist".

As of December 2024, Joy has amassed 265,000 followers on Instagram and 158,000 subscribers on her YouTube platform.

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