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Kate Usmanova

aka Ekaterina Usmanova More info on her aliases

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Ekaterina Usmanova
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About Kate Usmanova

Originally from a small town in Russia, Ekaterina was an athletic person ever since her childhood. She first started weight training in 2010 after she married a personal trainer, Alexander Usmanov. However, the relationship with Alexander didn’t last long, and Ekaterina used weightlifting as an outlet for the stress and frustration that she felt during the divorce.

She quickly turned her outlet in the gym into a passion for fitness, and started training harder than ever before. Since the beginning of her journey into weightlifting, Ekaterina has managed to build an incredible body, and participate in some of the most prestigious bikini competitions in the world, becoming the champion of the Arnold Classic 2013. She’s also helped numerous women around the world transform their physiques with her personal training advice, and is continuously inspiring her online fans to live a more productive lifestyles.

As of August 2024, she has amassed 3.7 million followers on her Instagram platform.

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Link badgeKate Usmanova: Hot, Fit, And Inspiring2023-05-27

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