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Kristen Alderson

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About Kristen Alderson

Younger brother Eddie Alderson plays Matthew Rappaport on One Life to Live (1968).
In 2002, at age 11, she had the youngest contract role in Daytime TV.
Grew up in the same part of suburban Philadelphia as former One Life to Live (1968) cast-mate, Erin Torpey.
Before she got the role of "Starr Manning" on One Life to Live (1968), she played "Molly" in a Broadway production of "Annie".
On July 15, 2023. Alderson announces her engagement to musical artist Taylor Crousore. After nearly two years of dating.
In September 2023, announced she and her fiance Taylor are expecting their first child together in January 2024.

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Link badgeKristen Alderson Pictures (7 Images)2024-07-23

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User comments

Kristen isn't dead, nor was she born in 1970.
Quit playing.

Posted by Pyramid006 2024-09-29 04:50  

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