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Laurie Holden

aka Heather Laurie Holden More info on her aliases

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Heather Laurie Holden
Laurie Holden
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About Laurie Holden

Heather Laurie Holden is a Canadian-American actress known for her roles as Marita Covarrubias in The X-Files, Adele Stanton in The Majestic, Cybil Bennett in Silent Hill, Amanda Dumfries in The Mist, Olivia Murray in The Shield, Andrea in The Walking Dead, Renee in The Americans, and Crimson Countess in The Boys.

As of February 2024, she has amassed 364,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

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Link badgeLaurie Holden Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 35 Pictures2021-07-09

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I've been expecting you.
It was foretold by Gyromancy.

Posted by RedPyramid98 2024-05-27 00:23  🛈